I would walk to orientation at 9 am, and usually be late. But still early. They tell us that when boys ask us over to their house, we shouldn't go unless we want to have sex with them and that we gotta supply an
y birth control. And that we shouldn't go near...anywhere...late at night. Then we have a break for coffee and then go back to orientation until about 1. Then we get to have lunch! I have been trying to eat as many empanadas as possible, because they are cheap and oh-so-delicious. Sometimes I mix it up by having salami sandwiches, which is the only thing I would eat when I was little.
As a side note, for breakfast I have 2 pieces of toast and an alfajor(alpha-whore). They look like this:

and are probably everything you could ever want out of a breakfast food. That's dulce de leche in the middle, for a frame of reference. When my host mom doesn't watch me eat breakfast I usually put it in my backpack because I'm not quite gutsy enough to eat it that early. Today I discovered that if I do not eat breakfast my host mom takes it as a major insult.
After orientation is over, we usually go get more coffee. Or hot chocolate, which is super delicious. Because when I show up home too early, my host mom asks me why I don't have friends yet.
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